Von den letzten Tagungen: Planetary Crater Consortium 2021

Auf der virtuellen Tagung der PCC wurden von uns drei neue Beiträge publiziert:

Rappenglück M. A.   Poßekel J.   Ernstson K.
Mars and Moon on Earth:  Formation of Small Terraced Impact Craters and Ground Penetrating Radar Investigations
Kurzfassung: Small terraced impact craters on the Moon and Mars have comparable equivalents on Earth, occurring in large numbers in the Chiemgau impact crater strewn field in Germany. They are described in high-resolution Digital Terrain Models and with detailed GPR measurements. Aus dem Beitrag:

Ernstson K.   Poßekel J.   Kurtz J.
The Enigmatic Sachsendorf Bay Structure (Oderbruch, Northeast Germany):  Evidence of a Pleistocene/Holocene Meteorite Impact Event
Kurzfassung: A previously postulated major impact structure in northern Germany finds support from high-resolution Digital Terrain Models. Previous hypotheses of the formation of this geologically alien structure by glacial and tectonic processes are rejected. Aus dem Beitrag:

Poßekel J.   Ernstson K.
The So-Called “Sölle” Late Pleistocene Circular Formations in the Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Federal States (Northern Germany):  Evidence of Meteorite Impact Crater Strewn Fields
Kurzfassung: The theory of dead-ice formation of the so-called Sölle, which, in the tens of thousands, characterize large areas in northern Germany, is rejected, and at least for a large part of the circular structures a meteorite impact genesis is assumed. Aus dem Beitrag: