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In diesem sehr umfangreichen Review-Artikel (HIER anklicken) schreibt der Autor Rappenglück einen sehr ausführlichen Abschnitt über das weltweit einzigartige Streufeld von den Eisensiliziden im Krater-Streufeld des Chiemgau-Impaktes.
Dieser Abschnitt kann HIER angeklickt werden.
Da von einschlägig bekannter Seite weiterhin mit allen Mitteln versucht wird, den Chiemgau-Impakt madig zu machen oder totzuschweigen, wird nachfolgend eine Auswahl von Artikeln, die bisher zum Chiemgau-Impakt und den Eisensiliziden publiziert wurden und bei Rappenglück zitiert werden, angefügt:
- Rappenglück, M.; Rappenglück, B.; Ernstson, K. Kosmische Kollision in der Frühgeschichte: Der Chiemgau-Impakt: Die Erforschung eines bayerischen Meteoritenkrater-Streufelds. Z. Anomalistik 2017, 17, 235–260. [Google Scholar]
- Ernstson, K.; Mayer, W.; Neumair, A.; Rappenglück, B.; Rappenglück, M.A.; Sudhaus, D.; Zeller, K.W. The Chiemgau Crater Strewn Field: Evidence of a Holocene Large Impact Event in Southeast Bavaria, Germany. J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Eng. Technol. 2010, 1, 72–103. [Google Scholar]
- Hoffmann, V.; Rösler, W.; Partzelt, A.; Raeymaekers, B.; van Espen, P. Characterization of a small crater-like strcuture in SE Bavaria, Germany. In Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Gatlinburg, TN, USA, 12–16 September 2005. [Google Scholar]
- Rappenglück, B.; Hiltl, M.; Rappenglück, M.; Ernstson, K. The Chiemgau Impact—A meteorite impact in the Bronze¬/Iron Age and its extraordinary appearance in the archaeological record. In Himmelswelten und Kosmovisionen—Imaginationen, Modelle, Weltanschauungen: Proceedings der Tagung der Gesellschaft für Archäoastronomie in Gilching, 29–31 März 2019; Wolfschmidt, G., Ed.; Tredion: Hamburg, Germany, 2020; pp. 330–349. [Google Scholar]
- Rappenglück, B.; Hiltl, M.; Ernstson, K. The Chiemgau Impact: Evidence of a Latest Bronze Age/Early Iron Age meteorite impact in the archaeological record, and resulting critical considerations of catastrophism. In Beyond Paradigms in Cultural Astronomy; González-García, C., Frank, R.M., Sims, L.D., Rappenglück, M.A., Zotti, G., Belmonte, J.A., Šprajc, I., Eds.; BAR: Oxford, UK, 2021; pp. 57–64. [Google Scholar]
- Fehr, K.T.; Pohl, J.; Mayer, W.; Hochleitner, R.; Fassbinder, J.; Geiss, E.; Kerscher, H. A meteorite impact crater field in eastern Bavaria? A preliminary report. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 2005, 40, 187–194. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Fehr, K.T.; Hochleitner, R.; Hölzl, S.; Geiss, E.; Pohl, J.; Fassbinder, J. Ferrosilizium-Pseudometeorite aus dem Raum Burghausen, Bayern. Aufschluss 2004, 55, 297–303. [Google Scholar]
- Doppler, G.; Geiss, E.; Kroemer, E.; Traidl, R. Response to ‘The fall of Phaethon: A Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany)’ by Rappenglück et al. (Antiquity 84). Antiquity 2011, 85, 274–277. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Huber, R.; Darga, R.; Lauterbach, H. Der späteiszeitliche Tüttensee-Komplex als Ergebnis der Abschmelzgeschichte am Ostrand des Chiemsee-Gletschers und sein Bezug zum “Chiemgau Impakt” (Landkreis Traunstein, Oberbayern). E G Quat. Sci. J. 2020, 69, 93–120. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Völkel, J.; Andrew, M.; Matthias, L.; Hürkamp, K. Colluvial filling of a glacial bypass channel near the Chiemsee (Stöttham) and its function as geoarchive. Z. Geomorphol. 2012, 56, 371–386. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Hoffmann, V.; Rösler, W.; Schibler, L. Anomalous magnetic signature of top soils in Burghausen area, SE Germany. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 2004, 6, 5041. [Google Scholar]
- Hoffmann, V.; Rösler, W.; Patzelt, A.; Raeymaekers, B.; van Espen, P. Characterisation of a small crater-like structure in SE Bavaria, Germany. Meteor. Planet. Sci 2005, 40, A129. [Google Scholar]
- Rösler, W.; Hoffmann, V.; Raeymaekers, B.; Schryvers, D.; Popp, J. Diamonds in carbon spherules—Evidence for a cosmic impact? Meteorit. Soc. 2005, 40, 5114. [Google Scholar]
- Schryvers, D.; Raeymakers, B. EM characterisation of a potential meteorite sample. #MS16.P13. In Proceedings of the 13th European Microscopy Congress, Antwerp, Belgium, 22–27 August 2004: Materials Sciences; Van Tendeloo, G., Ed.; Belgian Society for Microscopy: Liege, Belgium, 2004; pp. 859–860. [Google Scholar]
- Yang, Z.; Verbeeck, J.; Schryvers, D.; Tarcea, N.; Popp, J.; Rösler, W. TEM and Raman characterisation of diamond micro- and nanostructures in carbon spherules from upper soils. Diam. Relat. Mater. 2008, 17, 937–943. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Rappenglück, M.A.; Bauer, F.; Ernstson, K.; Hiltl, M. Meteorite impact on a micrometer scale: Iron silicide, carbide and CAI minerals from the Chiemgau impact event (Germany). In Problems and Perspectives of Modern Mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2014), Proceedings, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia 19–22 May 2014, Syktyvkar; IG Komi SC UB RAS, Ed.; Geoprint: Syktyvar, Russia, 2014. [Google Scholar]
- Raeymaekers, B. A Prospective Biomonitoring Campaign with Honey Bees in a District of Upper-Bavaria (Germany). Environ. Monit. Assess. 2006, 116, 233–243. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Rappenglück, B.; Rappenglück, M.A.; Ernstson, K.; Mayer, W.; Neumair, A.; Sudhaus, D.; Liritzis, I. Reply to Doppler et al. ‘Response to “The fall of Phaethon: A Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany) (Antiquity 84)”’. Antiquity 2011, 85, 278–280. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Rappenglück, B.; Rappenglück, M.A.; Ernstson, K.; Mayer, W.; Neumair, A.; Sudhaus, D.; Liritzis, I. The fall of Phaethon: A Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany). Antiquity 2010, 84, 428–439. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
- Hoffmann, V.; Torii, M.; Funaki, M. Peculiar magnetic signature of Fe-Silicide phases and diamond/Fullerence containing carbon spherules. Travaux Géophysiques 2006, XXVII, 52–53. [Google Scholar]
- Bauer, F.; Hiltl, M.; Rappenglück, M.A.; Ernstson, K. Trigonal and cubic Fe2Si polymorphs (hapkeite) in the eight kilograms find of natural iron silicide from Grabenstätt (Chiemgau, Southeast Germany). In Proceedings of the 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 18–22 March 2019. LPI Contrib. No. 2132. [Google Scholar]
- Bauer, F.; Hiltl, M.; Rappenglück, M.A.; Neumaier, A.; Ernstson, K. Fe2Si (hapkeite) from the subsoil in the Alpine forland (Southeast Germany): Is it associated with an impact? In Proceedings of the 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 29 July–2 August 2013. [Google Scholar]
- Rappenglück, M.A.; Bauer, F.; Hiltl, M.; Neumair, A.; Ernstson, K. Calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs) In Iron silicide (xifengite, gupeiite, hapkeite) matter: Evidence of a cosmic origin. In Proceedings of the 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 29 July–2 August 2013. [Google Scholar]
- Hiltl, M.; Bauer, F.; Ernstson, K. SEM and TEM analyses of minerals Xifengite, Gupeiite, Fe2Si (Hapkeite?), titanium carbide (TiC) and cubic moissanite (SiC) from the subsoil in the alpine foreland: Are they cosmochemical? In Proceedings of the 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 7–11 March 2011. [Google Scholar]